of the
WCPR Alumni Association
[pending approval]
Section 1. Each member shall promptly notify the Secretary of any change in mailing and/or e-mail address. All notices shall be sent to the latest address of record.
Section 2.
(a) Any individual may become an Active Member upon petition signed by at least twelve Active Members and favorably acted upon by the Council.
(b) Any Member of the Association may be expelled for cause upon petition signed by at least twelve Active Members, and favorably acted upon by the Council.
Section 1.
(a) Petitions from Council Members for Meetings of the Council shall be received by the Secretary. Arrangements for the meeting shall be carried out by the Secretary, or his designee, who shall consult with the petitioners concerning details of time and place, and shall send out notices to all Council Members at least thirty days in advance.
(b) Voting at Council Meetings shall normally be by voice. The presiding officer may, however, call for a show of hands or a vote by secret ballot.
(c) When the vote is by secret ballot, the presiding officer shall appoint three tellers. The tellers shall be responsible for distributing the ballots, counting the votes and otherwise conducting the operation of the election.
Section 1. President
(a) The President shall preside over all events and meetings of WAA.
(b) The President shall be the official representative of WAA in all Stevens Alumni Association and Stevens Institute of Technology administrative matters.
(c) The President has the power to form committees and appoint their respective chairpersons.
(d) The President shall have the privilege to assume the responsibility of any and all officers if they are not present at a previously scheduled meeting or event of WAA.
(e) The President shall have the power to delegate all duties outlined in these bylaws for the office of President to voluntary members or officers.
(f) The President shall perform or delegate all duties not specifically outlined as required by WAA.
Section 2 Vice-President
(a) The Vice-President shall assume all responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President at a previously scheduled meeting or event of WAA.
(b) The Vice-President shall have the power to delegate all duties outlined in these by-laws for the office of Vice-President to voluntary members or officers.
(c) The Vice-President shall perform all duties assigned by the President within reason.
Section 3 Secretary
(a) The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence of the WAA.
(b) The Secretary shall take the minutes of all meetings and business discussed at events.
(c) The Secretary shall provide updated information for use in WAA activities and responsibilities as defined in the bylaws.
(d) The Secretary shall have the power to delegate all duties outlined in this constitution for the office of Secretary to voluntary members or officers.
(e) The Secretary shall assume all responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President, Vice-President, and at a previously scheduled meeting or event.
(f) The Secretary shall perform all duties assigned by the President within reason.
Section 4 Technical Resource Officer (TRO)
(a) The TRO shall be responsible for advising the station members regarding technical matters of station operations when requested
(b) The TRO shall perform all duties assigned by the President within reason.
(c)The TRO shall assume all responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary at a previously scheduled meeting or event.
Section 5 Event Coordinator
(a) The Event Coordinator shall be responsible for liaising between WAA and other SAA affinity groups, with regards to event planning
(b) The Event Coordinator shall be responsible for managing and supporting active members who are involved in planning WAA events
(c)The Event Coordinator shall perform all duties assigned by the President within reason.
(d)The Event Coordinator shall assume all responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and TRO at a previously scheduled meeting or event.
Section 6 Historian
(a) The Historian shall be responsible for maintaining an updated and detailed history of WCPR
(b) The Historian shall perform all duties assigned by the President within reason.
(c)The Historian shall assume all responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, TRO, and Event Coordinator at a previously scheduled meeting or event.
Section 1.
(a) In accordance with Article VIII of the Constitution, and subject to review by the Executive Committee, the President shall establish the following standing committees:
Social Media
(b) The duties of these Committees shall be those described by the titles and as assigned by the President, Committee and these By-Laws. Appointments to the Committees shall be made as necessary and reviewed annually at a minimum, or as required.
(c) The President shall be an ex-officio member of each Committee. The President may assign that membership on any Committee to another Officer, who shall serve on behalf of the President.
Section 2.
(a) Regular meetings of the committees shall be held year round, at such times and places as they may appoint. Other meetings shall be held as determined by the President.
(b) Fifty percent of its members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1. Amendments to these By-Laws may be proposed by:
(a) A majority vote of the Council, or
(b) A petition signed by at least thirty members active members
Section 2. Proposed amendments shall be sent by the Secretary to each Active Member at least 60 days prior to a Meeting of the Council. The communication shall include a ballot. A Tellers Committee, appointed by the Council, shall be instructed to report the results of the balloting at the said Council Meeting.
Section 3. An amendment shall become effective only upon receiving affirmative votes of two-thirds of the total votes cast by Active Members of the Association. No ballots received after the opening of the Meeting of the Council shall be valid.
BY-LAW VI: Return of the Bylaw
Luke Skywalker has returned to his home
planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue
his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the
vile gangster Jabba the Hut.
Little does Luke know that the GALACTIC
EMPIRE has secretly begun construction
on a new armored space station even
more powerful than the first dreaded
Death Star.
When completed, this ultimate weapon
will spell certain doom for the small band
of rebels struggling to restore freedom
to the galaxy…
BY-LAW VII Sanity Clause
You no canna fool me. There ain’t no sucha thing as a Sanity Clause !
This space not intentionally left blank
2bd/3br bylaw, washer/dryer, centrally located to train station and Narnia. No pets unless human or edible, preferably both. $1700/mo plus Vespene gas